Learners Courses

Hello to you! 

If you are an older adult with memory difficulties and looking for ways to enhance your self-management, you have arrived at the right place! 

This space is designed to teach you how to understand and use mhealth apps in a way that will improve your quality of life. You will find materials that explain the different functions of mhealth apps and how to use these apps to track and monitor health indicators, as well as apps for training and monitoring safety. We also provide materials for communication and planning to help seniors stay connected. 

Let’s get started!


This course is made for demonstration purposes. As such, the content involved in the course is an example of how the content could be.


This course is made for demonstration purposes. As such, the content involved in the course is an example of how the content could be.


This course is made for demonstration purposes. As such, the content involved in the course is an example of how the content could be.


This course is made for demonstration purposes. As such, the content involved in the course is an example of how the content could be.


This course is made for demonstration purposes. As such, the content involved in the course is an example of how the content could be.


This course is made for demonstration purposes. As such, the content involved in the course is an example of how the content could be.